How to Retrieve KPLC Tokens via USSD Code, Mobile App, and Self-Service Portal During SMS Delays

1 min read

How to Retrieve Your KPLC Tokens via Kenya Power App, USSD Code, and Self-Service Portal When SMS Delays

Token recharge can sometimes be frustrating, especially when SMS delays occur, and you’re already out of tokens. Additionally, technical issues on the backend servers of power providers can leave customers stranded without token numbers during system failures.

However, there are quick and reliable ways to retrieve your token numbers in real time, without waiting for the SMS response from Kenya Power. In this guide, we’ll walk you through alternative methods to ensure uninterrupted power supply at your home or business.

1. USSD Code Method

If you're a prepaid customer, you can easily retrieve your token using the USSD code *977# by following these steps:

  1. Dial *977# on your phone.
  2. A menu will appear on your screen. Select the Prepaid Services (Token) option.
  3. Choose the Latest Token option and then either select or enter your meter number.
  4. You will be shown the last five tokens purchased under your meter number, allowing you to retrieve your most recent token.

2. Using the KPLC Mobile App

Kenya Power also provides a mobile app available on the App Store (iOS) and Play Store (Android), offering an easy way to access your token purchases. Here's how:

  1. Download and open the Kenya Power App on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the Bill/Token option from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your meter number when prompted.
  4. A list of your purchased tokens will be displayed, allowing you to view your latest token.

3. Self-Service Portal

Kenya Power also offers an online portal where you can quickly retrieve your tokens by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Kenya Power Self-Service Portal at
  2. Click on the Bill/Token Query option at the top of the page.
  3. Select the Meter Number option and enter your respective meter number.
  4. Click on Search. The latest tokens you bought will be listed, allowing you to retrieve your most recent purchase.

By using these methods, you can avoid being stranded due to SMS delays or system failures, ensuring you always have access to your token numbers.

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