Art of Thinking Clearly (B66K) By Rolf Dobell

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Art of Thinking Clearly (B66K) By Rolf Dobell Details

Have you ever...

Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it?
Overpaid in an eBay auction?
Continued doing something you knew was bad for you?
Sold stocks too late, or too early?
Taken credit for the success, but blamed the failure on external circumstances?
Backed the wrong horse?
These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day to day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to spot them, we can avoid them and make better choices whether dealing with a personal problem or a business negotiation trying to save money or make money working out what we do or don't want in life, and how best to get it.

ISBN: 9781444798289 SKU: 2030301006977