Vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC)

6 min read

What is VBAC?
There are complications during pregnancy and delivery that lead a woman to deliver their baby through cesarean section. During the next delivery after cesarean section, a mother may opt to try normal vaginal delivery. This is what is known as VBAC. Some of the reasons why many women prefer VBAC are:

Impact on Future Pregnancies
VBAC greatly helps reduce the risks involved during multiple cesarean deliveries. These include placenta accrete or placenta Previa. If you are therefore planning to have more children, VBAC is very vital.

Lowers the Risks of Surgical Complications
VBAC will lower the rate of excessive bleeding, blood clotting in deep veins, that is, deep vein thrombosis. It also lowers the risks of infections. VBAC will also reduce the risk of injury to abdominal organs like the bladder and bowel. The risk of removal of the uterus, hysterectomy, is also reduced.

Shorter Recovery Time
Recovery time from VBAC is much shorter compared to another CS. This enables you to resume your daily routine faster.

It is also an opportunity to have a controlled birth plan, since for some women, it is very important to have vaginal delivery.


Trial of labor
What Is Trial of Labor?
Trial of labor is a test that is given to a woman who has mild/moderate cephalopelvic disproportion to determine whether she can deliver her baby normally while causing the least damage to herself and the baby.

Factors Affecting Trial of Labor
The strength of uterine contraction, the stretch of pelvic ligaments and joints, degree of moulding and the attitude of the midwife are some of the factors that will affect the outcome of the trial of labor. Other factors include:

Age – An advanced age of 35 years and above is mostly associated with failed trial of labor.
Macrosomia – Mothers who bore babies with a mass of more than 4000g are usually linked with failed trial of labor.
Delayed pregnancy by 41 or more weeks, using drugs for uterus contraction, fever and primipara are some of the other factors greatly linked to failed trial of labor.
Fetal distress, social factors and cephalopelvic disproportion are clinical factors also contributing to failed trial of labor. Malpresentation such as face presentation, persistent occipitotransverse position and persistent occipitoposterior position is another clinical factor.

Trial of Scar
 After cesarean section or hysterotomy, the mother gets a scar. When that mother would like to deliver another baby vaginally, they are first given a trial. This trial is used to determine whether the scar has become strong enough to withstand the labor. It is a requirement for it to be conducted in a hospital.

Cephalopelvic Disproportion
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) happens when the baby’s body, especially the head, is too large to pass through its mother’s pelvis. Cephalopelvic disproportion is believed to be rare.


Normal Delivery After Cesarean Section Tips

Learn the facts about VBAC
It is important to learn all the facts and risks surrounding VBAC before undergoing one. In today’s world, we have information at our fingertips. You can take a VBAC birth course. It is interesting to know that the success of VBAC is rated at 60 – 80%. The main risk involved is the uterine rapture.


Look for a supportive VBAC provider
It is important to have a fully supportive provider who will stand by you through the whole process. Do not use a provider who is simply trying to see if it will work, or one who is tolerating you.


Hire a VBAC doula
Doulas will constantly give you VBAC tips. It has been shown that they lower chance of interventions, increase chances of shorter, spontaneous labor and vaginal delivery. Most of them also know the best VBAC providers in your area.


Find the perfect birth location
Choosing a good location to deliver your baby means you will be surrounded by a good supportive team. If you chose a location where they mostly prefer cesarean section, it is unlikely for you to get the necessary support for VBAC.


Avoid induction
Interventions can cause stress both to the mother and the baby, which can lead to another cesarean section. Even the natural methods to stimulate labor should only be applied when the body is ready.


Be patient
When most mothers hit 40 weeks, they try to look for ways to go into labor such as long walks and sex. It is important to be patient and trust your body.

Chiropractic care
If you want to get your body ready for VBAC delivery, it is important to take chiropractic care during pregnancy. It is especially important in aligning your pelvis and helping the baby be in the ideal position.


Prenatal massage
As the baby continues to grow over the weeks, its weight also increases. This will certainly cause some ligaments to stretch. Stretched ligaments can make the body tense, hence the need for prenatal massage. Prenatal massage is even more effective if it goes hand in hand with chiropractic care.

Create a birth plan
It is important to create a birth plan early in the pregnancy. It helps you identify the most important things and hence prepare well for a successful VBAC.


Stay healthy and fit
Good nutrition greatly helps not only during the pregnancy period, but also during the postpartum period. Fresh fruits, dairy, whole grains and proteins are some of the recommended foods during this time.


Exercises for Normal Delivery after C-Section
Birth Ball
Birth ball will strengthen and comfort the lower back. The pelvis becomes well supported and symmetrical. This will help the baby achieve an ideal position when the ligaments are well balanced. The next time you are watching the TV or working on your computer, it is best if you used a birth ball instead of a chair. 

HIIT Exercise
Apart from keeping your body fit, HIIT exercises enhances your body endurance, preparing you for labor. These exercises include running and squatting. It will also prevent some common problems during pregnancy such as back and pelvic girdle pains, fatigue and constipation. 

Prenatal Yoga
Yoga classes helps one stay in shape. It helps tone your muscles with minimal effect on the joints. For a pregnant woman, it is even more useful in increasing circulation. When you feel pain, it helps you relax instead of tightening up. It will greatly reduce the chances of stress and pregnancy complications such as back and pelvic pains. 

Doing the squat exercises helps you get ready for birth and labor. The exercise will improve your body’s ability to handle contractions during early and late labor. It also allows the baby to position itself deeper into the pelvis, preparing the pelvic muscles for birth.


Abdominal Exercises
The deep core muscles in your body play a vital role in strengthening your abs muscles as the pregnancy progresses. These muscles surround your trunk and they involuntarily contract especially when you sneeze. The action of these muscles is important in compressing the abdominal cavity. This is important as it helps you to push during labor.

Pelvic Tilt
The easiest way to do a pelvic tilt is while down with your hands and knees. It will make your back flexible, relieving you of the back pain. It will also make your abdominal muscles stronger, all which eases delivery.

If First Delivery Is Cesarean Can the Second Be Normal?
It is possible to have a normal vaginal birth after a cesarean section. This however depends on a number of factors. One, the cause of the cesarean section that you undergone. Your condition during pregnancy and delivery also matters, since cesarean section is not planned but happens due to complications. You can however increase your chances of a normal birth if you keep a 2 or more year gap before your next delivery.


Can You Have a Natural Birth after 2 C-sections?
Yes. You can still have a natural birth even after 2 cesarean sections. This will however happen as long as you are healthy and has no uterine abnormality. Suffering from diseases such as genital herpes will lead you to undergoing another cesarean section.

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