TSC Payslip Online: A Complete Guide to Abbreviations and Deductions

2 min read

You can now access your TSC payslip online at https://tpay.tsc.go.ke/. To log in, you need to be registered and must have a password. Upon successful login, you will be able to view and print your payslips.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Online Payslip: What Abbreviations on Your Payslip Mean

Here is a guide to help you understand the abbreviations and acronyms commonly used on your TSC payslip.

What are Deductions, Allowances, and Contributions?

  • Deductions: These are amounts subtracted from your gross salary for various purposes, including taxes, loans, and third-party contributions. Deductions can be mandatory, such as taxes, or voluntary, such as contributions to savings and insurance.

  • Allowances: These are additional amounts added to your basic salary to cover specific expenses, such as housing or transportation. Allowances help increase your take-home pay and compensate for job-related costs.

  • Contributions: These are payments made towards specific funds or schemes, such as retirement savings or insurance. Contributions are often deducted from your salary and can be mandatory (like NHIF and NSSF) or voluntary (like SACCO savings).


  • SWAsSocial Welfare Associations. These are third-party deductions such as BBFs (Burial and Benevolent Funds), SACCOs, and Teachers’ Unions. Deductions to these associations are made only after online authorization by the teacher.
  • WCPSWidows and Children Pension Scheme. Male teachers contribute a portion of their salary to this fund each month. Upon the teacher's demise, the funds are given to the declared next of kin to support their family.
  • Ins-PInsurance Provider. Some teachers are registered with private insurance companies, and their contributions are deducted via the TSC check-off system.
  • Sac-LSACCO Loan. This amount is deducted from your salary to repay a loan from a SACCO.
  • Com-LCommercial Loan. The deduction made from your salary to repay a loan from a commercial bank.
  • Sac-SSACCO Savings. Monthly deductions made towards your savings in a SACCO.


  • HRAHouse Rent Allowance to cover housing costs.
  • CACommuter Allowance for transportation expenses.
  • RAResponsibility Allowance for leadership or administrative roles.
  • LEAVELeave Allowance given when a teacher is on leave.

Terms of Service:

  • P&PPermanent and Pensionable. This status applies to teachers who have completed their probation.
  • ProbProbation. This is shown for teachers who are still in the probationary period.

Other Deductions and Contributions:

  • PAYEPay As You Earn. The automatic deduction of income tax based on your salary.
  • MPRMonthly Personal Relief. A tax relief amount deducted from your taxable income.
  • NHIFNational Hospital Insurance Fund. Monthly statutory deductions for healthcare coverage.
  • NSSFNational Social Security Fund. Contributions towards retirement savings.
  • BBFBurial Benevolent Fund. A deduction towards a welfare fund for funerals.
  • UNION – Deductions made for membership in unions like KNUT or KUPPET.
  • HELB – Deduction for Higher Education Loans Board loan repayment.
  • PF Num – Your Personal File Number, also known as your TSC number.
  • RoDRetirement Date, indicating when you are expected to retire.
  • Designation – Your job grade, such as "Secondary Teacher II."
  • ID Num – Your National Identity Card Number.
  • Tax PIN – Your KRA PIN used for tax purposes.

This comprehensive guide helps you understand the key abbreviations, deductions, allowances, and contributions on your TSC payslip, making it easier to track your earnings and financial commitments.

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