Safe Days Calculator to Avoid Pregnancy: How to Calculate Safe Period Days After Periods

3 min read

Safe Days Calculator: A Natural Way to Avoid Unwanted Pregnancy

Use our Safe Days Calculator to help prevent unplanned pregnancy. It’s easy, free, and effective for many. Also, learn how to count your safe days after periods to stay in control of your reproductive health.

First day of your last menstrual period (LMP):

  • Click to Pick a Date

Shortest Cycle Length:

  • 28 Days

Longest Cycle Length:

  • 32 Days

Get My Safe Days

You can also embed this Safe Days Calculator on your website for free. Additionally, check out our Ovulation Calculator to track your fertility window, or our Due Date Calculator to estimate your baby’s arrival.

What are Safe Days?

Safe days are the days in your menstrual cycle where the chance of getting pregnant is lower. Having intercourse on these days reduces the likelihood of pregnancy, but it’s not foolproof—this method is about 88-95% effective depending on how precisely you track your cycle.

How to Use the Safe Days Calculator

The Safe Days Calculator uses a simple algorithm based on your menstrual cycle's shortest and longest lengths. If your menstrual cycle is regular, ovulation usually happens about 14 days before your next period. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation typically occurs on the 14th day. To avoid pregnancy, the calculator identifies your fertile days and provides the safest days to have sex without contraception.

Counting Safe Days After Periods Manually

If you prefer manual calculations, follow these steps:

  1. Track your cycle: Record the first day of your period for at least 10-12 cycles.
  2. Determine your shortest cycle: Subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle. This gives you the first fertile day.
  3. Determine your longest cycle: Subtract 11 days from the longest cycle. This gives you the last fertile day.
  4. Avoid intercourse during the fertile window: The days between the first and last fertile days are your high-risk days. Avoid unprotected sex during this time if you don’t want to conceive.

Safe Period Chart

If you prefer visual tracking, a Safe Period Chart is helpful. For cycles between 26-32 days:

  • Days 1-7: Safe
  • Days 8-19: Fertile
  • Day 20 onwards: Safe again

Limitations of the Safe Days Calculator

While the Safe Days Calculator is a natural and easy method, it has limitations:

  • Irregular cycles: It’s less effective for women with irregular cycles.
  • No STI protection: It doesn’t protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Requires discipline: You need to consistently track your cycles over several months.
  • Not effective for abnormal uterine bleeding: Women with irregular or painful cycles may find other contraceptive methods, like birth control pills, more helpful.

Benefits of the Safe Period Method

The safe period method offers several advantages:

  • No medication needed: Avoids the side effects of pills and other contraceptives.
  • Natural and free: You don’t need to purchase anything.
  • Reversible: If you want to get pregnant, simply track your fertile days and try to conceive during that time.

Other Methods to Avoid Unwanted Pregnancy

Besides the safe days calculator, here are other reliable contraception methods:

  • Barrier methods: Condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps.
  • Oral contraceptives and injectables: Pills or hormonal injections.
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs): Like the copper T (Cu-T).
  • Sterilization: Permanent methods such as tubal ligation or vasectomy.
  • Abstinence: The surest way to avoid pregnancy.


The Safe Days Calculator is an effective, natural contraceptive method for women with regular menstrual cycles. It’s easy to use, cost-free, and offers no side effects like other contraceptive methods. However, it’s crucial to track your cycle carefully for 10-12 months before relying on this method. For those with irregular cycles or trouble with tracking, other contraceptive methods may be more suitable.

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