Postcodes in Kenya

5 min read


Postcodes in Kenya: A Complete List of Areas and Codes
Kenya Postal Codes Directory: Comprehensive Coverage from Ahero to Z
Discover the Kenyan Postal Codes for Each Region
Your Guide to Kenya’s Postal Codes: Find Any Location Fast
Postal Code Listings in Kenya: From Eldoret to Kisumu
Kenya’s Most Common Postal Codes: Complete List of Locations
Complete Kenya Postal Code Guide: All Areas with Postal Numbers
Postal Code Areas in Kenya: Find the Exact Code for Your Region
Kenya Postal Codes: Quick Access to Locations in All Counties
Find the Postal Code You Need: A Comprehensive List for Kenyan Areas
Explore the Full List of Postal Codes in Kenya by Region
Find Your Kenya Postal Code: A-Z List of Locations
Postal Codes in Kenya – Explore Areas from Nairobi to Kisii
Kenya’s Regional Postal Codes: A Quick Reference Guide
Postal Code Directory for Kenya’s Cities, Towns, and Villages

Discover key locations across Kenya, including major towns, cities, and rural areas. This comprehensive list of Kenyan addresses covers postal codes, delivery points, and regional hubs, perfect for logistics, shipping, and business operations

  1. Adungosi (50413)
  2. Ahero (40101)
  3. Ainabkoi (30101)
  4. Akala (40139)
  5. Amagoro (50244)
  6. Amalo Formerly Oloomirani (20424)
  7. Amukura (50403)
  8. Asego (40335)
  9. Asumbi (40309)
  10. Athi River (00204)
  11. Awasi (40122)
  12. Bahati (20113)
  13. Bamba (80210)
  14. Bamburi (80101)
  15. Banja (50316)
  16. Baraton (30306)
  17. BARICHO (10302)
  18. Bissel (01101)
  19. Boito (20409)
  20. Bokoli (50206)
  21. Bomet (20400)
  22. Bondeni (20101)
  23. Bondo (40601)
  24. Booker (50137)
  25. Boro (40620)
  26. Brigadier (50245)
  27. Brigadier LPO (50246)
  28. Buhuyi (50416)
  29. Bukura (50105)
  30. Bulimbo (50109)
  31. Bumala (50404)
  32. Bungoma (50200)
  33. Bura Tana (70104)
  34. Burnt Forest (30102)
  35. Buru Buru (00515)
  36. Busia (50400)
  37. Butere (50101)
  38. Butula (50405)
  39. Buyofu (50210)
  40. Chamakanga (50302)
  41. Changamwe (80102)
  42. Chavakali (50317)
  43. Chebiemit (30706)
  44. Cheborge (20215)
  45. Chebororwa (30125)
  46. Chebunyo (20401)
  47. Chemamul (20222)
  48. Chemaner (20407)
  49. Chemase (40143)
  50. Chemelil (40116)
  51. Chemiron (30206)
  52. Chepkemel (20216)
  53. Chepkoilel (30133)
  54. Chepkorio (30129)
  55. Cheptais (50201)
  56. Cheptalal (20410)
  57. Chepterwai (30121)
  58. Cheptiret (30137)
  59. Cheptiret LPO (30138)
  60. Chesinendet (20217)
  61. Chiakanyinga (60410)
  62. Chiakariga (60409)
  63. Chogoria (60401)
  64. Chuka (60400)
  65. Chumvi (90147)
  66. Chumvini (80314)
  67. Chwele (50202)
  68. City Square (00200)
  69. Coast Gen Hospital (80103)
  70. Dadaab (70103)
  71. Dago (40112)
  72. Dandora (00516)
  73. Daraja Mbili (40117)
  74. Day Star (90145)
  75. Dedan Kimathi University (10143)
  76. Diamond Plaza office (00628)
  77. Diani Beach (80401)
  78. Docks (80104)
  79. Doldol (10401)
  80. Donyosabuk (01027)
  81. Dorofu (50213)
  82. EASTLEIGH (00610)
  83. Egerton University (20115)
  84. Ekalakala (90139)
  85. Elburgon (20102)
  86. Eldama Ravine (20103)
  87. Eldoret (30100)
  88. Eldoret Airport (30124)
  89. Elementaita (20119)
  90. Elwak (70301)
  91. Emali (90121)
  92. Embakasi Village (00521)
  93. Embu (60100)
  94. Emining (20140)
  95. Emuhaya (50314)
  96. ENDARASHA (10107)
  97. Endebess (30201)
  98. Enterprise Road (00500)
  99. Etago (40208)
  100. Faza (80501)
  101. Fort Ternan (20209)
  102. Funyula (50406)
  103. GacharageIni (10210)
  104. Gachoka (60119)
  105. Gaithu (60209)
  106. Gakere Road (10109)
  107. Gakindu (10111)
  108. Gakungu (00239)
  109. Gambogi (50318)
  110. Ganze (80205)
  111. Garba Tulla (60301)
  112. Garissa (70100)
  113. Garissa Huduma Centre (70106)
  114. Garsen (80201)
  115. Gathugu (00240)
  116. Gatitu (10114)
  117. Gatukuyu (01028)
  118. Gatundu (01030)
  119. Gatura (01013)
  120. Gede (80208)
  121. Gesima (40503)
  122. Gesusu (40201)
  123. Giakanja (10108)
  124. Gigiri (00601)
  125. Gikoe (10213)
  126. Gilgil (20116)
  127. Gitemene (00903)
  128. Githongo (60205)
  129. Githunguri (00216)
  130. Githurai (00626)
  131. Gituamba (01003)
  132. Gitugi (10209)
  133. Gongoni (80206)
  134. GONGONI LPO (80212)
  135. Gorgor (20411)
  136. Griftu (70202)
  137. Habaswein (70201)
  138. Hamisi (50312)
  139. Hamoso LPO (40144)
  140. Hawinga (40640)
  141. Hola (70101)
  142. Homa Bay (40300)
  143. HQBOX RENTAL (00015)
  144. Huduma Chuka (60411)
  145. Huduma Kerugoya (10311)
  146. Huduma Migori (40419)
  147. HUDUMA MURANGA (10235)
  148. Huduma Nanyuki (10407)
  149. Igare (40209)
  150. Igoji (60402)
  151. Adungosi (50413)
  152. Ahero (40101)
  153. Ainabkoi (30101)
  154. Akala (40139)
  155. Amagoro (50244)
  156. Amalo Formerly Oloomirani (20424)
  157. Amukura (50403)
  158. Asego (40335)
  159. Asumbi (40309)
  160. Athi River (00204)
  161. Awasi (40122)
  162. Bahati (20113)
  163. Bamba (80210)
  164. Bamburi (80101)
  165. Banja (50316)
  166. Baraton (30306)
  167. BARICHO (10302)
  168. Bissel (01101)
  169. Boito (20409)
  170. Bokoli (50206)
  171. Bomet (20400)
  172. Bondeni (20101)
  173. Bondo (40601)
  174. Booker (50137)
  175. Boro (40620)
  176. Brigadier (50245)
  177. Brigadier LPO (50246)
  178. Buhuyi (50416)
  179. Bukura (50105)
  180. Bulimbo (50109)
  181. Bumala (50404)
  182. Bungoma (50200)
  183. Bura Tana (70104)
  184. Burnt Forest (30102)
  185. Buru Buru (00515)
  186. Busia (50400)
  187. Butere (50101)
  188. Butula (50405)
  189. Buyofu (50210)
  190. Chamakanga (50302)
  191. Changamwe (80102)
  192. Chavakali (50317)
  193. Chebiemit (30706)
  194. Cheborge (20215)
  195. Chebororwa (30125)
  196. Chebunyo (20401)
  197. Chemamul (20222)
  198. Chemaner (20407)
  199. Chemase (40143)
  200. Chemelil (40116)
  201. Chemiron (30206)
  202. Chepkemel (20216)
  203. Chepkoilel (30133)
  204. Chepkorio (30129)
  205. Cheptais (50201)
  206. Cheptalal (20410)
  207. Chepterwai (30121)
  208. Cheptiret (30137)
  209. Cheptiret LPO (30138)
  210. Chesinendet (20217)
  211. Chiakanyinga (60410)
  212. Chiakariga (60409)
  213. Chogoria (60401)
  214. Chuka (60400)
  215. Chumvi (90147)
  216. Chumvini (80314)
  217. Chwele (50202)
  218. City Square (00200)
  219. Coast Gen Hospital (80103)
  220. Dadaab (70103)
  221. Dago (40112)
  222. Dandora (00516)
  223. Daraja Mbili (40117)
  224. Day Star (90145)
  225. Dedan Kimathi University (10143)
  226. Diamond Plaza office (00628)
  227. Diani Beach (80401)
  228. Docks (80104)
  229. Doldol (10401)
  230. Donyosabuk (01027)
  231. Dorofu (50213)
  232. EASTLEIGH (00610)
  233. Egerton University (20115)
  234. Ekalakala (90139)
  235. Elburgon (20102)
  236. Eldama Ravine (20103)
  237. Eldoret (30100)
  238. Eldoret Airport (30124)
  239. Elementaita (20119)
  240. Elwak (70301)
  241. Emali (90121)
  242. Embakasi Village (00521)
  243. Embu (60100)
  244. Emining (20140)
  245. Emuhaya (50314)
  246. ENDARASHA (10107)
  247. Endebess (30201)
  248. Enterprise Road (00500)
  249. Etago (40208)
  250. Faza (80501)
  251. Fort Ternan (20209)
  252. Funyula (50406)
  253. GacharageIni (10210)
  254. Gachoka (60119)
  255. Gaithu (60209)
  256. Gakere Road (10109)
  257. Gakindu (10111)
  258. Gakungu (00239)
  259. Gambogi (50318)
  260. Ganze (80205)
  261. Garba Tulla (60301)
  262. Garissa (70100)
  263. Garissa Huduma Centre (70106)
  264. Garsen (80201)
  265. Gathugu (00240)
  266. Gatitu (10114)
  267. Gatukuyu (01028)
  268. Gatundu (01030)
  269. Gatura (01013)
  270. Gede (80208)
  271. Gesima (40503)
  272. Gesusu (40201)
  273. Giakanja (10108)
  274. Gigiri (00601)
  275. Gikoe (10213)
  276. Gilgil (20116)
  277. Gitemene (00903)
  278. Githongo (60205)
  279. Githunguri (00216)
  280. Githurai (00626)
  281. Gituamba (01003)
  282. Gitugi (10209)
  283. Gongoni (80206)
  284. GONGONI LPO (80212)
  285. Gorgor (20411)
  286. Griftu (70202)
  287. Habaswein (70201)
  288. Hamisi (50312)
  289. Hamoso LPO (40144)
  290. Hawinga (40640)
  291. Hola (70101)
  292. Homa Bay (40300)
  293. HQBOX RENTAL (00015)
  294. Huduma Chuka (60411)
  295. Huduma Kerugoya (10311)
  296. Huduma Migori (40419)
  297. HUDUMA MURANGA (10235)
  298. Huduma Nanyuki (10407)
  299. Igare (40209)
  300. Igoji (60402)
  301. Igwamiti (20307)
  302. IGWAMITI LPO (20331)
  303. Iiani (90120)
  304. Ikalaasa (90135)
  305. IKANGA LPO (80318)
  306. Ikonge (40501)
  307. Ikutha (90207)
  308. Ikuu (60405)
  309. Ileho (50111)
  310. Imanga (50112)
  311. Ishiara (60102)
  312. Isibania (40414)
  313. Isiolo (60300)
  314. Iten (30700)
  315. Ithanga (01015)
  316. Jamia (00101)
  317. Jebrok (50319)
  318. Jkia (00501)
  319. Kabarak (20157)
  320. Kabarnet (30400)
  321. Kabartonjo (30401)
  322. Kabason (20412)
  323. Kabati (90205)
  324. Kabatini (20120)
  325. Kabazi (20114)
  326. Kabianga (20201)
  327. Kabimoi (20139)
  328. Kabiyet (30303)
  329. Kabula (50214)
  330. Kacheliba (30601)
  331. Kadongo (40223)
  332. Kagio (10306)
  333. Kagumo (10307)
  334. Kagunduini (01033)
  335. Kagwe (00223)
  336. Kahatia (10236)
  337. Kaheho (20304)
  338. Kahuhia (10206)
  339. Kahuro (10201)
  340. Kajiado (01100)
  341. Kakamega (50100)
  342. Kakuma (30501)
  343. Kakunga (50115)
  344. Kalamba (90122)
  345. Kalawa (90126)
  346. Kalimoni (01001)
  347. Kaloleni (80105)
  348. Kamaget (20218)
  349. Kamakwa Road (10142)
  350. Kamara (20134)
  351. Kambiri (50116)
  352. Kambiti (10226)
  353. Kamiti (00607)
  354. Kampi Ya Moto (20121)
  355. Kamukuywa (50216)
  356. Kamuriai (50408)
  357. Kamuwongo (90403)
  358. Kamwaura (20132)
  359. Kamwosor (30113)
  360. Kandara (01034)
  361. Kandiege (40304)
  362. Kangari (10218)
  363. KANGEMA (10202)
  364. Kangemi (00625)
  365. Kangundo (90115)
  366. Kanja (60118)
  367. Kanjuku (01004)
  368. Kanyaagia (20309)
  369. Kanyakine (60206)
  370. Kanyuambora (60106)
  371. Kapcheno (30304)
  372. Kapcherany (20413)
  373. Kapcherop (30204)
  374. Kapenguria (30600)
  375. Kapkatet (20214)
  376. Kapkelek (20219)
  377. Kapkesosio (20414)
  378. Kapkoros (20415)
  379. Kapsabet (30300)
  380. Kapsara (30208)
  381. Kapsoit (20211)
  382. Kapsokwony (50203)
  383. Kapsowar (30705)
  384. Kaptagat (30114)
  385. Kaptarakwa (30701)
  386. Kaptebengwet (20221)
  387. Karaba (60105)
  388. Karandi (20328)
  389. Karatina (10101)
  390. Karatina University (10144)
  391. Karen (00502)
  392. Karungu (40401)
  393. Karuri (00219)
  394. Karurumo (60117)
  395. Kasikeu (90123)
  396. Katangi (90106)
  397. Kathiani (90105)
  398. Kathonzweni (90302)
  399. Kathwana (60406)
  400. Katito (40118)
  401. Kaviani (90107)
  402. Kayole (00518)
  403. Kebirigo (40506)
  404. Kedowa (20220)
  405. Kehancha (40413)
  406. Kendu Bay (40301)
  407. Kengeleni (80122)
  408. Kenol (01020)
  409. Kenyatta Hospital (00202)
  410. Kenyatta University (00609)
  411. Kenyenya (40211)
  412. Kericho (20200)
  413. Keroka (40303)
  414. Kerugoya (10300)
  415. Kerungu (50217)
  416. Kiamwangi (10205)
  417. Kianyaga (60107)
  418. Kibabii (50204)
  419. Kibwezi (90102)
  420. Kikambala (80103)
  421. Kikanau (60113)
  422. Kikuyu (01005)
  423. Kilifi (80200)
  424. Kilibwoni (30301)
  425. Kilingili (50108)
  426. Kilgoris (40410)
  427. Kimbu (60112)
  428. Kinangop (10228)
  429. Kinda (20408)
  430. Kingeero (10225)
  431. Kinungi (20138)
  432. Kirangari (10104)
  433. Kirima (60116)
  434. Kirinyaga (60101)
  435. Kiriita (40207)
  436. Kiritiri (60203)
  437. Kisii (40200)
  438. Kiserian (01110)
  439. Kisii University (40220)
  440. Kisumu (40100)
  441. Kitale (30200)
  442. Kitui (90100)
  443. Kiuma (40111)
  444. Kiwangali (60304)
  445. Kisingo (30202)
  446. Kiserian LPO (90210)
  447. Kisingo Village (80111)
  448. Kituo Cha Sheria (00102)

Here is a more comprehensive list of postal codes in Kenya for various regions, towns, and cities:

Nairobi Region

  1. Nairobi Central - 00100
  2. Nairobi West - 00200
  3. Nairobi East - 00300
  4. Nairobi South - 00400
  5. Nairobi North - 00500
  6. Nairobi Industrial Area - 00600
  7. Nairobi Gikambura - 00700
  8. Nairobi Kangundo - 00900

Mombasa Region

  1. Mombasa Town - 80100
  2. Mombasa Nyali - 80200
  3. Mombasa Likoni - 80300
  4. Mombasa Bamburi - 80400
  5. Mombasa Shanzu - 80500

Kisumu Region

  1. Kisumu Central - 40100
  2. Kisumu West - 40200
  3. Kisumu East - 40300
  4. Kisumu Ahero - 40600

Eldoret Region

  1. Eldoret Town - 30100
  2. Eldoret Town West - 30200
  3. Eldoret Town East - 30300

Nakuru Region

  1. Nakuru Town - 20100
  2. Nakuru East - 20200
  3. Nakuru West - 20300

Kisii Region

  1. Kisii Town - 40200
  2. Kisii Nyamira - 40300
  3. Kisii South - 40400

Meru Region

  1. Meru Town - 60200
  2. Meru South - 60300
  3. Meru North - 60400

Thika Region

  1. Thika Town - 01000
  2. Thika West - 01100
  3. Thika East - 01200

Machakos Region

  1. Machakos Town - 90100
  2. Machakos South - 90200
  3. Machakos East - 90300

Malindi Region

  1. Malindi Town - 80200
  2. Malindi Kilifi - 80300

Voi Region

  1. Voi Town - 80300
  2. Taita Taveta - 80400

Eldama Ravine Region

  1. Eldama Ravine - 20300
  2. Kabarnet - 20400

Kakamega Region

  1. Kakamega Town - 50100
  2. Kakamega South - 50200
  3. Kakamega West - 50300

Kitale Region

  1. Kitale Town - 30200
  2. Kitale South - 30300
  3. Kitale North - 30400

Bungoma Region

  1. Bungoma Town - 50200
  2. Bungoma East - 50300
  3. Bungoma West - 50400

Ruiru Region

  1. Ruiru Town - 00232
  2. Ruiru North - 00233

Embu Region

  1. Embu Town - 60400
  2. Embu South - 60500

Laikipia Region

  1. Nanyuki - 10400
  2. Nyahururu - 10500

Narok Region

  1. Narok Town - 20500
  2. Narok East - 20600

Lamu Region

  1. Lamu Town - 80500
  2. Lamu South - 80600

Garissa Region

  1. Garissa Town - 70100
  2. Garissa North - 70200

Isiolo Region

  1. Isiolo Town - 60300
  2. Isiolo East - 60400

Kitui Region

  1. Kitui Town - 90200
  2. Kitui North - 90300

Bomet Region

  1. Bomet Town - 20400
  2. Bomet South - 20500

Kericho Region

  1. Kericho Town - 20200
  2. Kericho South - 20300

Murang’a Region

  1. Murang’a Town - 10200
  2. Murang’a East - 10300
  3. Murang’a West - 10400

Kiambu Region

  1. Kiambu Town - 00200
  2. Kiambu East - 00300
  3. Kiambu West - 00400

Kajiado Region

  1. Kajiado Town - 00900
  2. Kajiado South - 01000

Taita Taveta Region

  1. Voi - 80300
  2. Taita - 80400

Wajir Region

  1. Wajir Town - 70200
  2. Wajir South - 70300

Marsabit Region

  1. Marsabit Town - 60500
  2. Marsabit East - 60600

Migori Region

  1. Migori Town - 40400
  2. Migori South - 40500

Tana River Region

  1. Tana River - 70100

Other Locations

  1. Rift Valley (Molo) - 00240
  2. Nyandarua (Ol Kalou) - 20300
  3. Trans Nzoia (Cherangany) - 30300
  4. Baringo (Kabarnet) - 20400
  5. Samburu (Maralal) - 20600
  6. Turkana (Lodwar) - 30500
  7. Isiolo (Merti) - 60300
  8. Nandi (Kapsabet) - 30300
  9. Kajiado (Kangundo) - 00150
  10. West Pokot (Kapenguria) - 30300

This extensive list covers major cities, towns, and several regions across Kenya. Keep in mind that each postal code can also refer to smaller locations within a larger town, city, or district.

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