All parishes under the catholic diocese of murang'a

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All parishes under the catholic diocese of murang'a

Here is the detailed information of Catholic parishes under the Diocese of Murang’a, categorized for better understanding:

Main Parishes:

  1. Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral Parish

    • Location: Murang'a Town
    • Description: The mother church of the Diocese of Murang’a, serving as the central parish and seat of the bishop.
  2. St. Joseph the Worker Mumbi Catholic Parish

    • Location: Mumbi, Murang'a
    • Description: A parish known for its dedication to St. Joseph the Worker and actively serving the Mumbi community.
  3. Holy Family Maragua Catholic Parish

    • Location: Maragua
    • Description: Located in the town of Maragua, this parish provides spiritual guidance to the local community with a focus on family values.
  4. Our Lady Consolata Sagana Catholic Parish

    • Location: Sagana
    • Description: This parish is dedicated to Our Lady Consolata, offering religious services to the Sagana area.
  5. Christ the King Kiangai Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kiangai
    • Description: Serving the faithful of Kiangai, this parish emphasizes Christ’s kingship and sovereignty.
  6. St. Charles Lwanga Kenol Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kenol
    • Description: This parish, located in Kenol, is named after the Ugandan martyr, St. Charles Lwanga, inspiring the community through his faith.
  7. St. James the Apostle Difathas Catholic Parish

    • Location: Difathas
    • Description: The parish serves the Difathas community, providing regular mass services and spiritual activities.
  8. St. Peter PIAI Catholic Parish

    • Location: PIAI
    • Description: A parish that focuses on spiritual growth through St. Peter’s example of leadership in the church.
  9. St. Joseph the Worker Gatanga Catholic Parish

    • Location: Gatanga
    • Description: Situated in Gatanga, this parish honors St. Joseph the Worker, emphasizing hard work and dedication to God.
  10. Our Lady of Consolata Tuthu Catholic Parish

    • Location: Tuthu
    • Description: A Marian parish under the title of Our Lady Consolata, offering pastoral services to the Tuthu community.
  11. Epiphany of the Lord Wang'uru Catholic Parish

    • Location: Wang'uru
    • Description: Named after the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, this parish offers guidance to the Wang'uru community.
  12. Holy Cross Sabasaba Catholic Parish

    • Location: Sabasaba
    • Description: Located in Sabasaba, the parish emphasizes the significance of the Holy Cross in the Christian faith.
  13. Our Lady of Sorrows Baricho Catholic Parish

    • Location: Baricho
    • Description: Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, this parish ministers to the faithful in Baricho, reflecting on Mary's suffering.
  14. Mary Immaculate Kerugoya Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kerugoya
    • Description: A Marian parish that emphasizes the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, serving the Kerugoya area.
  15. Our Lady of Sorrows Mugoiri Catholic Parish

    • Location: Mugoiri
    • Description: This parish is devoted to Our Lady of Sorrows, offering religious services to the Mugoiri community.
  16. Our Lady of Fatima Ruchu Catholic Parish

    • Location: Ruchu
    • Description: Named after the Marian apparitions at Fatima, this parish provides spiritual services to Ruchu.
  17. Sacred Heart of Jesus Gacharage Catholic Parish

    • Location: Gacharage
    • Description: This parish centers around devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and serves the Gacharage community.
  18. Our Lady of Consolata Kagumo Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kagumo
    • Description: This parish is committed to honoring Our Lady Consolata, providing religious services in the Kagumo region.
  19. Holy Rosary Kutus Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kutus
    • Description: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary, this parish promotes Marian devotion among the faithful in Kutus.
  20. Our Lady Queen of Peace Mahuti Catholic Parish

    • Location: Mahuti
    • Description: Focused on peace and reconciliation, this parish is under the title of Our Lady Queen of Peace, serving the Mahuti community.
  21. St. Joseph Husband of Mary Kiangunyi Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kiangunyi
    • Description: This parish highlights the role of St. Joseph as the husband of Mary and serves the people of Kiangunyi.
  22. St. Joseph the Worker Kagio Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kagio
    • Description: A parish named after St. Joseph the Worker, located in Kagio, providing religious guidance and spiritual nourishment.
  23. Sacred Heart Kangaita Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kangaita
    • Description: Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this parish serves the Kangaita region.
  24. Our Lady of Consolata Kiriaini Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kiriaini
    • Description: Another Marian parish, under the title of Our Lady Consolata, offering services to the Kiriaini community.
  25. Our Lady of Assumption Ichagaki Catholic Parish

    • Location: Ichagaki
    • Description: This parish is focused on the Assumption of Mary, providing spiritual leadership in the Ichagaki area.
  26. St. Francis Xavier Kahatia Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kahatia
    • Description: Named after St. Francis Xavier, the parish serves the faithful in Kahatia with a focus on missionary work.
  27. Queen of All Saints Gaichanjiru Catholic Parish

    • Location: Gaichanjiru
    • Description: This parish honors Mary as Queen of All Saints, providing spiritual guidance in Gaichanjiru.
  28. Christ the King Gatura Catholic Parish

    • Location: Gatura
    • Description: A parish dedicated to Christ’s kingship, serving the Gatura community with regular mass services and activities.
  29. Queen of the Apostles Gaturi Catholic Parish

    • Location: Gaturi
    • Description: Under the title of Queen of the Apostles, this parish focuses on Marian devotion in Gaturi.
  30. St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Gitui Catholic Parish

    • Location: Gitui
    • Description: This parish is inspired by St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, emphasizing humility and service in the Gitui community.
  31. Our Lady of Assumption Ithanga Catholic Parish

    • Location: Ithanga
    • Description: Focused on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this parish serves the people of Ithanga.
  32. St. Peter Apostle Kaburugi Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kaburugi
    • Description: This parish honors St. Peter the Apostle, providing spiritual leadership in the Kaburugi area.
  33. St. Paul Kangari Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kangari
    • Description: Named after St. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, this parish serves the Kangari community.
  34. Holy Rosary Kanyenyaini Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kanyenyaini
    • Description: Devoted to the Holy Rosary, this parish serves the faithful in Kanyenyaini.
  35. Mary Mother of God Karumandi Catholic Parish

    • Location: Karumandi
    • Description: This parish emphasizes devotion to Mary, Mother of God, providing services to the Karumandi community.
  36. St. Don Bosco Makuyu Catholic Parish

    • Location: Makuyu
    • Description: Inspired by St. Don Bosco’s dedication to youth, this parish serves the Makuyu region.
  37. St. John the Baptist Ndonga Catholic Parish

    • Location: Ndonga
    • Description: Named after St. John the Baptist, this parish provides spiritual services in Ndonga.
  38. St. Paul Kibingoti Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kibingoti
    • Description: This parish honors St. Paul, focusing on the teachings of the apostle in the Kibingoti area.
  39. Transfiguration of the Lord Kimbimbi Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kimbimbi
    • Description: Named after the Transfiguration of Christ, this parish serves the faithful in Kimbimbi.
  40. St. Peter Claver Mwea Catholic Parish

    • Location: Mwea
    • Description: A parish named after St. Peter Claver, serving the spiritual needs of the Mwea community.
  41. St. Teresa Catholic Parish Karaba

    • Location: Karaba
    • Description: This parish is dedicated to St. Teresa, providing services in the Karaba region.
  42. St. Pius X Mariira Catholic Parish

    • Location: Mariira
    • Description: Named after Pope St. Pius X, this parish serves the Mariira community.
  43. Ascension of the Lord Kariua Catholic Parish

    • Location: Kariua
    • Description: Focused on the Ascension of Christ, this parish provides spiritual services in Kariua.
  1. Baricho Parish - Our Lady of Sorrows
  2. Cathedral Parish - Sacred Heart of Jesus
  3. Difathas Parish - St. James the Apostle
  4. Gacharage Parish - Sacred Heart of Jesus
  5. Gaichanjiru Parish - Queen of All Saints
  6. Gatanga Parish - St. Joseph the Worker
  7. Gathambi Parish - Annunciation of the Lord
  8. Gatura Parish - Christ the King
  9. Gaturi Parish - Queen of the Apostles
  10. Gitui Parish - St. Teresa of the Child Jesus
  11. Ichagaki Parish - Our Lady of Assumption
  12. Ithanga Parish - Our Lady of Assumption
  13. Kaburugi Parish - St. Peter the Apostle
  14. Kagio Parish - St. Joseph
  15. Kagumo Parish - Our Lady of Consolata
  16. Kahatia Parish - St. Francis Xavier
  17. Kangaita Parish - Sacred Heart of Jesus
  18. Kangari Parish - St. Paul the Apostle
  19. Kanyenya-ini Parish - Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
  20. Karaba Parish - St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
  21. Kariua Parish - Ascension of the Lord
  22. Karumandi Parish - Mary Mother of God
  23. Kenol Parish - St. Charles Lwanga
  24. Kerugoya Parish - Immaculate Heart of Mary
  25. Kiamutugu Parish - Guardian Angels
  26. Kiangai Parish - Christ the King
  27. Kiangombe Parish - Presentation of the Lord
  28. Kiangunyi Parish - St. Joseph Husband of Mary
  29. Kianyaga Parish - St. Joseph Cottolengo
  30. Kibingoti Parish - St. Paul
  31. Kimbimbi Parish - Transfiguration of the Lord
  32. Kiria-ini Parish - Our Lady of Consolation
  33. Kitito Parish - Blessed Virgin of Mt. Carmel
  34. Kutus Parish - Holy Rosary
  35. Mahuti Parish - Our Lady Queen of Peace
  36. Makomboki Parish - St. Peter the Apostle
  37. Makuyu Parish - St. John Bosco
  38. Maragua Parish - Holy Family
  39. Mariira Parish - St. Pius X
  40. Mugoiri Parish - Our Lady of Sorrows
  41. Mukurwe Parish - St. Paul the Apostle
  42. Mumbi Parish - St. Joseph the Worker
  43. Mununga Parish - Divine Mercy
  44. Muthangari Parish - St. Francis Xavier
  45. Muthithi Parish - St. Joseph the Husband of Mary
  46. Mwea Parish - St. Peter Clavers
  47. Ndonga Parish - St. John the Baptist
  48. Nguthuru Parish - St. John the Baptist
  49. PIAI Parish - St. Peter
  50. Ruchu Parish - Our Lady of Fatima
  51. Sabasaba Parish - Holy Cross
  52. Sagana Parish - Our Lady of Consolata
  53. Tuthu Parish - Our Lady of Consolata
  54. Wang'uru Parish - Epiphany of the Lord

These parishes serve a wide range of communities, offering spiritual guidance and fostering faith-based activities across the Diocese of Murang’a.

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